

Fly Beyond

Hermes Airlines requested an on-flight digital ordering experience for their passengers in business class. They wanted a trendy yet simple interface that represented the luxurious feel of their airplanes.


Amongst a group of five designers, I was in charge of font choice, color harmony and logo development.


Develop an interface for a food ordering software based on an airplane for business class. Components should be large and there must be a side scroll feature involved.


Hermes Airlines need a mobile ordering system from their plane.


How can we create a simple yet efficient ordering system that encompasses the limitations of available food whilst on an airplane?


Design a mobile ordering app for business class that retains Hermes Airline’s identity.

  • User Needs

    •Browse food

    •Payment options

    •Order tracking

  • Target Audience

    •Business class



  • Functionality Requirements

    •Simple UI

    •Large Interface

    •Ease of navigation


Flow Map


User Research

User Testing

During user testing we interviewed three people of various backgrounds. The feedback was very insightful.


“It was a little confusing to navigate through, there were times that I could click anywhere and it would automatically direct me to the next page such as the checkout page. I would try and add more navigation buttons and wire them to the next steps so that it could transition and flow better. Also maybe add a description of the food options on the page so the user knows what they are choosing instead of just any of the meals.”


“I think the overall design functionality is very good. The menu better have a price, because I see the price only appears in the shopping cart. The payment page is cut off and need to be fix. What needs to be improved is the orientation, so that the whole process is more smooth. Three images pages are a bit confusing, only one can be clicked to go to the next page. Over all is good!”


“This flow was structured well, but it wasn't clear what the user is supposed to be doing in one of the slides. I know the picture of the ramen is supposed to be the focal point but maybe adding some small text could help things flow better during the menu selection point. I was able to select and checkout without issue. Given your context, the airplane tv menu aesthetic is a nice touch; however, the scale of some of the icons and images within the app feel too large. Overall well done, no major issues.“

Before user testing

Before user testing

After user testing

After user testing


Our prototype was hard to navigate at first. It was confusing where to go after a certain screen and it was hard to get to the checkout option, but with these rounds of user testing we were able to find solutions to those problems.


Color Harmony









Day Dreams